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Online Masterclass: Travers & the Half Pass


Dance-like, light-footed half passes with lots of reach, impulsion and true expression are not only fantastic to look at, but also gymnastisize the horse, improve mobility of the shoulder and the haunches and enhance suppleness.



Would you like to half pass across the diagonal like Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Dalera? In this online course, we will show you step-by-step how to develop the travers and the half pass – from the very first attempts to the Grand Prix Zig Zag.

The better we prepare our horses for the half pass, and the easier we make it for them to really understand the movement, the more motivated they will be. We don’t want to have to push our horses sideways. Instead, we want to “release” them into the lateral movement, so that they move with motivation, activity and impulsion.

You often see horses losing momentum in the half pass, getting behind the aids or simply not quite making it all the way across the diagonal. We want to get our horses excited about the movement and prepare their bodies in a way so that they can perform the half pass with lightness, plenty of impulsion, cadence and elegance.

What you'll get
  • More than 60 minutes of video footage
  • Reel training sessions with different horses – from Youngster to Grand Prix horse
  • Extra course material, our favorite exercises & mental images in a downloadable PDF
  • Reflection questionnaires to analyse your own training
  • Tips and solutions for challenging training situations
Lifelong Access

You’ll get lifelong access to the videos, training materials, and reflection questionnaires, so that you can keep coming back to them to improve and re-assess your training. After purchase, the online masterclass will automatically appear on your dashboard.

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