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The Correct Seat for Canter Transitions

The Correct Seat for Canter Transitions

13. January 2025

The canter transition may only be a small part of a training session, but it is however a crucial and important moment. It influences the quality of the canter and prepares the horse for other movements. However, many riders fail to tap into the full potential of riding a correct transition and mistakes can happen easily. Why a Correct Rider’s…

Top tips for a strong connection – learn how to stimulate your horse’s motivation & concentration

How to boost your horse’s motivation and concentration

20. September 2024

A well-structured training plan is essential for the horse's health, as well as for progressing in education and strengthening the coordination between horse and rider. It is all the more important to boost your horse’s motivation & concentration during training – especially in the winter months when the sessions mainly take place in the indoor arena. Here's how to increase…

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In the Here & Now

12. April 2024

In our everyday lives, we are flooded with stimuli. Our mind is full of thoughts, to-do lists, and schedules. That makes it difficult to solely focus on one thing. When showing your horse, the situation is a bit different, but the problem is often the same: a lack of focus. The expectations we set for ourselves and the expectations of…


Learning from Other Riders

27. November 2023

Not only children learn by watching and mimicking others. Even for adults, learning from others by observing is an important factor to further skill development. Scientific studies have shown that observational learning activates certain neurons in the brain that enhance the learning process. Additionally, the brain responds when a movement is being observed that is already known from one’s own…

Lateral Work: From Leg Yield to the Zig Zag

Lateral Work: From Leg Yield to the Zig Zag

30. October 2023

We consider leg yields the introduction to lateral work. Technically, however, the leg yield is by definition not a lateral movement as it’s supposed to be ridden with flexion but not bend. Classical lateral work requires both flexion and bend. But during training, there are certain situations in which it can be helpful to ride leg yields with a bit…

Trust Yourself

11. August 2023

Every single one of us has been at a point of self-doubt – because we were stuck somewhere in the training of our horse; we didn’t jump the course as well as planned, or our dressage test was anything but brilliant. “All of us have self-doubt, and I’ve learned that that’s okay,” emphasizes Olympic champion and winner of the CHIO…

Rounded Back & Shoulders

13. July 2023

Let me say this upfront: on average, we spend too much time sitting and not enough time moving around. Our modern lifestyle negatively affects our posture. Because we spend so much time sitting – at work, at school, in the car – our muscles shorten, and the muscles of our core lack strength. An unhealthy posture then quickly becomes habitual.…

Ready for Spring

Ready for Spring

28. February 2023

Spring is in the air. Soon it’ll be warmer; and we’ll be able to train outdoors more often. Many of us have been working exclusively in an indoor arena for a few months; and those walls are becoming pretty boring. Raphael's tip for more variety in your daily training To avoid getting indoor-sour, Aubenhausen rider Raphael Netz regularly takes his…


The Deep Seat

25. January 2023

Flying down the long side at an extended canter, united as one, the motion of horse and rider inextricably intertwined. Riding transitions and movements with nearly invisible aids requires a supple, flexible, and stable seat. Mainly, it takes a deep seat to be able to optimally feel the horse and influence the frame and movement at all times. “A deep…

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