If you think you can’t do it …
take a few minutes … think about your abilities … focus on something positive. In any situation, you can find something positive or something you can change or learn from. Henry Ford once said: „Whether you believe that you can do something or not – you are right.“ In other words, if you think that you will fail, that you are not good enough or that you do not have what it takes to succeed, your mind will try to prove you are right. Your thoughts and your mindset are very powerful tools! They define and control your actions. That’s why it really makes a huge difference when you focus on the positive and concentrate on what you can do, instead of dwelling on the bad stuff.
Believe in yourself! Set yourself big goals, something you’ve always wanted to achieve, and then work towards it in small steps – sign up for that course you’ve always wanted to take, enroll in the DressurFit® fitness programme, plan your next competition season…
Positive, self-confident thinking needs practice! But: you can learn it! Surround yourself with positive people who support you, limit the amount of time you spend in front of the TV or on social media, put yourself out there and get moving. All of this can help you feel more positive and confident. Another tool we like using are positive affirmations. These are short beliefs that help you in everyday life and with challenging tasks to maintain a positive self-image and to find support in yourself, and they can really help you achieve your goals. Important: Always formulate an affirmation in the present, first-person narrative and with a positive choice of words. Formulate concretely and specifically to you without the words „not“, „never“ or „none“. And don’t forget: smile at least once a day!
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